I am appalled by Dallas. Not
as much, I admit, as when the white kid opened fire in a Black church killing
nine people last January but horrified. Nothing justifies this—shooting
random policemen to protest police brutality against Blacks. The President said
this attack was vicious, calculated and despicable. I’d add one more adjective, understandable.
There’s no contradiction
here—understand doesn’t mean I condone, just that I know where this comes from.
And so do the rest of you. Brutality against African Americans by law enforcement,
especially Black men, has been going on since we were stolen from the
Motherland. It’s institutionalized in the U.S.
Things are better; a whole
lot better than it was when I was a teenager. But it still happens. Every adult
African-American can recount a time when someone in law enforcement
disrespected or harassed them just because they were black. It seems to be
happening more since we elected a Black president. And even with video evidence
from phone and body cameras no one’s punished. At least nothing that’s
commensurate with taking a life. There’s no way the punishment can fit the
crime when in some states feeling threatened is the only justification a
policeman needs to take a human life. Police brutality is given impunity for
the most part. Which is why we still have “the talk.” The talk where the guardians
of African-American youth warn them that police officers may view them
And yes asshole-Giuliani, we
know Black youth face a myriad of dangers in the world. And we, their elders,
warn them about all that we know of, not just possible mistreatment and harassment
from law enforcement. But this one is particularly odious because it’s from
people who are paid to protect us. People paid with our tax-dollars. We also
know all cops aren’t bad but since you won’t police your ranks the few bad
apples control the narrative.
50 years ago my mother had the talk with me. It was the day I got
my driver’s license. Was the one blemish on this celebratory day that gave me
access to the world without an adult chauffeur. “Yes sir,” Mama made me say
again and again until she was satisfied with my intonation. Not subservient
like Stepin Fetchit, or arrogant like Muhammad Ali. Knowing that 50 years later
we still need to have this talk infuriates me.
This morning I heard
Cameron, the son of Alton Sterling who was slain in Baton Rogue by a policeman
last week, urge protestors to express their outrage over his father’s murder
“the right” way. He spoke against violence. Wasn’t angry. Hopefully he’ll have
a different relationship with law enforcement, one that won’t cause him to grow
into an angry Black man.
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